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section titleTektins provide high tech solutions

We Safeguard your Digital Assets

cyber attack investigation service
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 Cyber Attack Investigation

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 Cyber Attack Investigation

A cyber security investigation process helps identify what led to a breach, the scope of influence, and recommends preventative measures for future intrusion

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cyber vulnerability assesment
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Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing

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Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing

Vulnerability testing, also known as vulnerability assessment, evaluates an entire system to look for security weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

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disaster recovery management
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Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Management

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Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Management

we help you mitigate the impact of a hack, breach, or outage by developing a business continuity and disaster recovery plan.

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section title ABOUT TekTins

We Provide Cyber Security Consulting

At Tektins Nigeria Limited, we recognize the critical importance of cybersecurity in today's digital age. As a trusted ICT consulting company, we specialize in protecting businesses of all sizes from the devastating risks of cyber threats. Our cutting-edge cyber technological tools and expert services are designed to safeguard organizations' data and systems from cyber-attacks, which can lead to costly consequences such as downtime, data breaches, business disruption, reputational damage, and regulatory fines. Our goal is to ensure uninterrupted business operations and peace of mind for our clients.

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Business Growth

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Technology Consultancy

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Jude Oguta
Co, Founder
Call Us Now
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Satisfied Clients
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cyber security consulting nigeria.
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section titleBest it SOULTIONS Provider

Excellent Cyber Security Services

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Cyber security Strategy Development

We work with organizations to establish a Cyber Security Strategy and a program of work to optimize risk, create value & maintain relevance

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IT Risk Assessment

We help organizations in identifying security risks at their site in an early stage and to recognize and resolve previously overlooked blind spots.

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Cyber Attack Investigation

We help you to investigate & understand how a cyber attack occurred, how to fix it and walk you through the steps to report and fix the issues.

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Cyber Security Controls Implementation

We aim to maintain the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of sensitive data using a combination of people, policies, processes

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Incident Response

We help you respond and recover quickly from an incident. Our team provides clarity in the midst of a crisis, giving you the confidence to make the right decisions at the right time

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Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Management

The main purpose of BCDR is to minimize the impact of disruptions on an organization. It is what keeps an organization running smoothly,


Most Common Question?

Cybersecurity refers to any technology, measure, or practice aimed at preventing cyberattacks or mitigating their impact. It encompasses protecting individuals’ and organizations’ systems, applications, computing devices, sensitive data, and financial assets against various threats. 

While a cyber attack might be a manageable setback for certain sectors, for others, it could spell the end of their business. Regrettably, cybercriminals operate with this knowledge, targeting businesses that stand to lose the most from an attack, knowing these entities are more likely to pay substantial ransoms.

Lacking a Cyber Security Management System leaves a company vulnerable once its systems are compromised, essentially leaving it at the mercy of the attacker. Robust cybersecurity measures significantly lower the chances of an attack and ensure that, even if data is stolen, it can be fully restored. This enables a business to maintain normal operations instead of succumbing to the financial demands of cybercriminals for data retrieval.

Tektins Nigeria Ltd is a recognized cyber security and compliance management company in Nigeria. As a trusted ICT consulting company, the firm specialize in protecting businesses of all sizes from the devastating risks of cyber threats.